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How to make money from Instagram

How To Make Money From Instagram as an Artist

social media marketing Feb 17, 2024

Monetizing Instagram for Musicians

Are you an independent musician looking to make some extra cash? Well, you're in luck that you can do this with the help of an app that exists on all our phones! In this article, we will explore five proven methods for monetizing your Instagram as a musician. With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram offers an incredible opportunity to showcase your talent, connect with your fans, and generate income. So let's dive in and discover how you can turn your Instagram into a money-making machine!


Table of Contents

  1. Instagram Live Badges: Get Paid for Your Performances

  2. Teach Lessons: Share Your Musical Expertise

  3. Incorporate Affiliate Marketing: Earn Commission on Music-Related Products

  4. Promote Merchandise with Instagram Shopping: Turn Fans into Customers

  5. Partner with Brands for Sponsored Posts: Get Paid to Promote

  6. Our Final Thoughts


Instagram Live Badges: Get Paid for Your Performances


One of the best ways to monetize your Instagram as a musician is through Instagram Live Badges. This feature allows your fans to support you during your live performances by purchasing badges. These badges not only show their appreciation but also provide you with a direct source of income.


To get started, you must have at least 10,000 followers and be eligible for Instagram's monetization program. Once you meet the requirements, you can enable the badges feature and start earning money from your live performances. Encourage your fans to purchase badges by offering exclusive content, shout-outs, or even virtual backstage passes. Get creative and make your live performances an interactive and rewarding experience for your fans.


Teach Lessons: Share Your Musical Expertise

If you're a skilled musician, why not share your knowledge and expertise with others? Instagram is a great platform to offer music lessons and monetize your skills. Whether you're an expert in guitar, piano, singing, or any other instrument, there are people out there who would love to learn from you. Make full use of Instagram’s tools such as Instagram Subscriptions. For a fixed monthly fee, Instagram Subscriptions enables you to provide unique content and reward your most active followers. This works similarly to sites such as Patreon. 


Create engaging and informative content related to your instrument or musical genre. You can post short tutorials, tips and tricks, or even full-length lessons on Instagram Reels. Promote your lessons through your posts and stories, and provide a link or contact information for interested students to reach out to you. Offering personalized, one-on-one lessons can be a lucrative way to monetize your Instagram and share your passion for music with others.


Incorporate Affiliate Marketing: Earn Commission on Music-Related Products

Affiliate marketing is a popular strategy for generating passive income on Instagram. As a musician, you can partner with companies that offer music-related products or services and earn a commission for each sale made through your affiliate link.


Think about the products or services that align with your brand and would be valuable to your audience. It could be musical instruments, software, online courses, or even merchandise from other musicians or music-related brands. Create compelling content showcasing these products and include your affiliate link in your Instagram posts or stories.

For example, famous guitarists like Tosin Abasi, Cory Wong, Tim Henson, Mateus Asato, and even the legendary guitarist, John Petrucci are all affiliated with a top-tier guitar amp plugin brand called Neural DSP. Each guitarist monetizes this by introducing their own plugin under Neural DSP designed according to their characteristic tones. 

Be transparent with your audience about your affiliate relationships, and only promote products that you genuinely believe in. Your followers trust your recommendations, so it's essential to maintain their trust by providing honest and valuable endorsements.


We also run affiliate programs and one of them is for “”, a Spotify bot detection tool. This tool can help you pick the right Spotify playlists to pitch your music to, search for playlists and immediately notify you if your music gets added to a bot playlist. Feel free to check it out here

P.S. This is an affiliate link, any purchase you make using our link will give you a 10% discount and give us a small % that helps keep this blog running ;)


Promote Merchandise with Instagram Shopping: Turn Fans into Customers

Selling merchandise is a tried and true method for musicians to make money. With Instagram Shopping, you can showcase your merchandise directly on your profile, in your feed, or through Instagram Stories, making it easy for your fans to browse and purchase your products.

Take high-quality photos of your merchandise, such as t-shirts, posters, or vinyl records, and create engaging captions highlighting each item's unique features. Use Instagram's shopping tags to link each product to your online store or a secure platform for purchasing. You can also run special promotions or limited-time offers to create a sense of urgency among your followers.


Pro Tip: Make sure to engage with your fans in the comments section, respond to their questions, and show appreciation for their support. Building a strong relationship with your fans is crucial for driving sales and creating a loyal customer base.


Partner with Brands for Sponsored Posts: Get Paid to Promote

As an influencer in the music industry, you have the power to collaborate with brands and get paid for sponsored posts. Many companies are eager to partner with musicians to promote their products or services to your engaged audience.

Reach out to brands that align with your values and musical style. It could be music equipment companies, streaming platforms, or even lifestyle brands that resonate with your fan base. Negotiate fair compensation for your sponsored posts, whether it's a flat fee or a commission-based arrangement.

When creating sponsored content, be authentic and genuine in your endorsements. Your audience trusts your opinion, so it's essential to only promote products or services that you genuinely enjoy and believe in. Disclose your partnerships clearly in your captions or stories to maintain transparency with your followers.


Our Final Thoughts

Monetizing your Instagram as a musician requires creativity, dedication, and a deep understanding of your audience. By leveraging the power of Instagram Live Badges, offering music lessons, incorporating affiliate marketing, promoting merchandise, and partnering with brands, you can turn your Instagram into a profitable platform for your music career.


Remember to stay true to your brand, engage with your fans, and provide value through your content. The key to success on Instagram lies in building a strong and loyal following who genuinely supports your music and the products or services you offer.

So, what are you waiting for? Start implementing these proven methods, and watch your Instagram transform into a great source of income. Good luck on your journey to monetizing your Instagram as a musician!

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